I decided re-use my Illumination file from my web text project so I just added a button to the GUI, moved a few blocks around and wrote a quick little custom block to read text messages using gnokii. I made sure the app could do this because the entire idea of this project is that I never have to take my phone out of my bag. Anyway here's the code I use for the custom block.
f=os.popen(ISCVariable1) filearray = f.readlines() lastline = filearray[-3]+filearray[-2]+filearray[-1] ISCVariable2 = lastline #Output1
This block runs a gnokii command gnokii --getsms 1 end and grab the last message the phone received from the output. Now I never have to look at my phone again if I don't want to. It can stay in my bag while I play emulator on my n810 and if I receive a text I can read and respond to it all from my n810. By the way if anyone thinks its cool how easy it is to develop for this device why don't you grab one on ebay I got mine for 60 euro. Also you may want to get illumination especially if your lazy like me. I think they have sale on and its only 20 dollars until December 1st.
Here is the Illumination file and source code:
Illumination file
Did I mention the python script, I have written for n810, will also work on any linux desktop with python and gtk support(ie. pretty much all of them) for this particular one you just need to sudo apt-get install gnokii. Although if you really want something like this for Desktop Linux use Wammu its an amazing application for using your phone with Linux.
Last but certainly not least a little bit of news on the jupiter broadcasting app. I've added the feature to see the live video. Although I would like to point out this is entirely due to scale engine and Allan being awesome.
Commented this bit out because turns out I put it in the market ;)
I've given Chris and unsigned apk to sign himself and put it in the market so you should see it in the market soon.